Safety Precautions

  1. Wearing gloves, goggles and mask is mandatory. Even before opening the chemical bottle.
  2. Be sure to wear clothing that will protect you when using pesticides. Consider wearing a long sleeve shirt, long pants, and closed-toe shoes in addition to any other protective clothing or equipment required by the label.
  3. Kids, old people, patients, especially allergic person, sinus patient avoid using chemical.
  4. Make sure kids, pets, and anyone non-essential to the application is out of the area before opening chemical bottle and mixing pesticides.
  5. Remove food items & personal items, such as toys, clothing, or tools from the spray area to avoid contamination. Don’t spray on décor furniture, else it’s shining will be lost.
  6. Mix pesticides outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
  7. Mix only what you need to use in the short term to avoid storing or disposing of excess pesticide.
  8. When spraying pesticides indoors, make sure the area is well ventilated.
  9. When applying pesticides as a spray or dust outside, avoid windy conditions and close the doors and windows to your home.
  10. After using pesticides, wash your hands before smoking or eating.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. For order delivery on right address, you will have to answer our call when the delivery guy contacts you. in case of no response we have the right to cancel that order.
  2. We are retailer not manufacturer, we don’t offer any warranty or guarantee against any product. If you have any query or need any technical assistance better contact that chemical manufacturer.
  3. Due to the instability of PKR, chemical prices are changing on daily basis. Because most products are imported. And it is very difficult to re-price any product every time. Therefore we keep the right to change chemical price. But we believe in customer satisfaction, if it is the case with any product you ordered, we will inform you first via call or email and after your approval we will deliver your order. 
  4. Use chemical very carefully, we are not responsible for any incident.
  5. if the product is out of stock, then delivery may take few days.

Safety infographics:
